I want a penpal. I think it'll be pretty awesome, writing letters and mailing it to each other with an large amount of miles between us. I want postcards as well from this penpal. I love postcards. Especially with a picture you have taken and place it as the design on the front and a paragraph about it. <3
Tomorrow will be my third day of my senior year and so far my classes aren't all that bad. There's one class that i don't really like which is art. There is too much freshmens in that class that think they are quite the tough characters and loud. It's also boring because we don't do anything. We just copy what she has up and do the mini task which is completely easy. Not a challenge at all. And she doesn't even go over them. She just lets us sit there for the rest of the period. What a drag. Plus, i don't speak to any one there but this girl that sits next to me. I actually like my earth science class and my english as of now.And how will i end this paragraph, you wonder?Ramen is better than Cup Noodles.