Negative thoughts can not exist any more. Conscious or unconscious i will not think negative thoughts. I would not allow my thoughts to become negative. Negativity would only bring me negativity. I would only attract this if i am this. My negative thoughts will become weak starting now, right now this very moment while i type this up because they are weak. My positive thoughts are beyond more powerful than my negative thoughts. I will live on by positive thoughts. My positive thoughts will be what i attract and that will be positive things. I want to be happy, so i will be. I want to be less stress, so i will be. I'm going to change my classes no matter what, so it will happen. I'm going to do just great on my last two regents and my SATs, so i will score an decent score. I will be the law of attraction. What i think is what i will attract.
I'm reading this book The Secret and it shows me that my thoughts become things. Actual real things. If i want something i will get it. All depending on how powerful and dominant my thought are on it. I can not have anything ruining this thought because i will not get what i want. I haven't been so serious on something that i wanted to do for so long. So this will be it. People are always thinking, whether they know it or not, whether they can remember or not and whether they can explain what they are thinking. People are always thinking is the point. You are creating your life by your thoughts.
While reading this book, i know where i've gone wrong. I now, understand why my group of friends and the people in my life are half and half of being positive and negative. Because that is what i attracted. I was thinking positivity consciously and i was thinking negativity unconsciously. I'm telling you, from now my conscious and unconscious mind will only be flowing of positiveness. I have a great example that shows the law of attraction and it's the day i took my Global and History regent. I was so worked up on my Global one and i thought i wasn't going to pass. This was flowing in my mind the whole entire mind while i was taking it. This is why i failed it by five point. But you see, while i was taking the History regent, i was so confident and i knew i was going to pass it because i knew the material, i kept telling that to myself and that is what happened. I magically got a 79 on it. And i will be utterly honest, i guessed alot on the History regent because i was in a rush to get out of where i was and go to Dylan. So you see? If i thought more highly of myself while i was taking the Global regent, i could guarante you that i would of passed that regent with those five points i missed. But enough of the past, i will pass the two regents i have left and i will graduate on time.
I'm not talking nonsense, the law of attraction does exist whether we know about it or not. Remember, our life is being created by our thoughts this very second.