Friday, November 26, 2010

I woke up not to long ago. My dreams were all about surviving in many forms and helping out those who needed to survive. The last dream is the only one i can really remember. I was walking to my old apartment with someone who i can't remember who it was, from a store probably and when we got to the front door, we realized that someone had broke it down so we spent a really long time trying to make that door safe until an homeless man who was that guy from the cosby show (Malcolm) and we ended up taking him inside with us so he can be safe and the rest of the dream, we spent on trying to make that door safe by trying all the possibilities we had.

I feel so incongruous.
The rest of my day is going to be spent on eating ramen with eggs and watching movies and dexter.
Ou, great news, i go into work on monday! i got the job in Rite Aid. I'm pretty excited since it's my first job.
I can finally save up and go places.
I'm also going to apply to Childrens Place at Queens Center.