Saturday, April 2, 2011
I've been really picky now a days when it comes to guys. Like once they grab my interest and have it, they do something so stupid and careless and it makes me take two steps back. This is all new to me because before I would just keep going and not pay mind to what bothered me because of those careless things they would do. But eventually those things would become a problem to our relationship because they would keep on doing those things. I like this though, it keeps me more in tune on how they really are and if I actually want more then just a fling with them. I should of paid more attention before with you but I'm living and learning. People are flaw, I know that. But sometimes, I just don't like dealing with those flaw characteristics when it's not needed, when things can get cleared up with being simple. I'm not blending my back for anyone any more. If my personality can't balance anyone else's, then I'll just wait. No need to rush anyway. I'm young. You're young. We are all young.